1.( xx and xx) or ( xx and xx)
BaUserExample baUserExample = new BaUserExample();
Criteria criteria1 = baUserExample.createCriteria(); criteria1.andOrgIdEqualTo("1"); criteria1.andDeptIdEqualTo("1"); Criteria criteria2 = baUserExample.createCriteria(); criteria2.andUserNameEqualTo("name"); criteria2.andEmailLike("%test@%"); baUserExample.or(criteria2); userMapper.countByExample(baUserExample);执行的sql语句:
==> Preparing: select count(*) from ba_user WHERE ( org_id = ? and dept_id = ? ) or( user_name = ? and email like ? )
2.xx and ( xx or xx)
根据逻辑表达式可以知道 a and ( b or c ) = ( a and b) or ( a and c )
举个例子,假如想要实现 select count(*) from ba_user WHERE userName like ? and ( dept_id is null or dept_id <>? )
可以转化为select count(*) from ba_user WHERE (userName like ? and dept_id is null ) or ( userName like ? and dept_id <>? )
BaUserExample baUserExample = new BaUserExample();
Criteria criteria1 = baUserExample.createCriteria(); criteria1.andUserNameLike("%name%"); criteria1.andDeptIdIsNull(); Criteria criteria2 = baUserExample.createCriteria(); criteria2.andUserNameLike("%name%"); criteria2.andDeptIdNotEqualTo("1"); baUserExample.or(criteria2); userMapper.countByExample(baUserExample); 执行的sql语句:==> Preparing: select count(*) from ba_user WHERE ( user_name like ? and dept_id is null ) or( user_name like ? and dept_id <> ? )